Dear Dr. Akiyoshi:
I recently attended a dinner meeting with a female business associate who told me that she and her husband are having serious marital problems and that she might file for divorce. I have been attracted to her for three years, but ignored my feelings because she’s married. If she files for divorce how long should I wait before I ask her out?
Dear Anthony:
Don’t pursue her in any serious way until she’s had enough time to repair her life emotionally. Give her your number and tell her that you’d be very interested in getting to know her better in the future, if she has any interest. Leave it at that. People often make lots of mistakes when they end a relationship. You don’t want to be any part of all of that if you really like this woman. If she’s interested, she’ll call.
-Danice Akiyoshi, N.D.
Danice Akiyoshi is a Naturopathic Doctor and the head of Candid Coaching Service. She offers personal coaching services relating to all types of issues and concerns. This is a letter she received from an anonymous reader. To send a question to Danice, email her at You can also visit her website at