Eastvale – On August 5, the Corona-Norco School Board voted to place a $396 million bond measure on the November ballot. This bond comes just eight years after Measure U, a 30-year, $250 million bond, for which less than 17 percent of the money went directly to Eastvale. Most of the funds were used to rehab schools in Corona and Norco.
This new bond, referred to as the Corona-Norco Bond, would be used to upgrade classrooms, science labs and technology systems for career and technical education classes, including infrastructure for wireless Internet access for almost every school in the district. In addition, the bond would be used to replace or repair old roofs, plumbing, electrical, etc. Portable classrooms and security systems may also be replaced, as well as upgrades to fences, gates, classroom locks and outdoor lights.
But what does this mean for Eastvale? How do we ensure that our schools get their fair share of the bond money as opposed to the mere 17 percent Eastvale schools received in 2006? At a school bond discussion meeting a few months back with various members of the community and CNUSD Superintendent, Michael Lin, councilmember William Link expressed this very concern.
“As a councilmember representing this City, I expressed my concern that any money paid by Eastvale residents toward the bond needs to be kept in Eastvale Schools. Once I received a copy of the bond I forwarded it on to our City Attorney, John Cavanaugh, to review and really make sure that the verbiage is clear and accurate.”
Many in Eastvale feel that our schools did not get their fair share of the last bond, especially when Eastvale residents pay such high taxes. On a recent Facebook group discussion, Eastvale Resident Lisett Beytia said, “I will be voting NO. I don’t think the school district has really shown how my bond money has benefited the Eastvale schools. I know it’s selfish, but if I’m paying extra taxes for schools I want the money to stay in Eastvale. ”
CNUSD board member, Bill Newberry, who was not on the board during the 2006 Measure U Bond vote, would also like to ensure that bond money paid by Eastvale residents stays in Eastvale.
“I have been in meetings with bond attorneys, tax attorneys, bonding companies, our District’s legal staff, and I have ensured, as Bill Link said, that in the legal Bond Resolution it will stipulate that the money raised in each community of our district will be spent in that community of our district. I will make certain that a legal document is made available to anyone. This bond will ask for $24 per $100,000 of Assessed Value, so in Eastvale approximately $96 per year.”
One of the biggest items that the new bond could affect is the overcrowding of Eleanor Roosevelt High School. According to Newberry, ERHS will reach capacity by the 2015-2016 school year. If the bond passes, one of the biggest items and most expensive projects would be the proposed Academy/Magnet High School to be located in the back of the High School parking lot. The new school would be geared toward high end Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine academics and house approximately 800 students.
As more information comes out about the bond, one thing is certain, do your homework. Stay informed, ask questions and really read what you are voting for. For more information about school bonds check out CNUSD’s website at t