Sacramento – Assemblyman Curt Hagman (R-Chino Hills, Assembly District 55) issued a press release on Wed., June 18, stating that his Assembly Bill 1664 passed the Senate Education Committee with unanimous bi-partisan support.
With a 7-0 vote, this bill seeks to update Hagman’s AB308 signed into law in 2013, clarifying the process of selling or leasing specific types of school facilities. AB1664 gives local educational agencies first priority in purchasing surplus school site property, and keeps school facilities for their intended purpose.
“I was encouraged by the unanimous bi-partisan support from the Senate Education Committee on AB1664,” stated Assemblyman Hagman. “This bill sends a clear message that property built or modernized with state school facility funds should remain in the hands of educational entities,” he continued.
AB 1664 remedies a conflict with the Naylor Act, which requires local education agencies to offer any real property to non-educational government agencies prior to offering that property to another school or school district. This new bill will help ensure that educational agencies have priority in purchasing or leasing these facilities without changing the intent of the Naylor Act.
For more information on Assemblyman Curt Hagman please visit: