By Joel Seigler
Eastvale – The Chamber of Commerce appreciates the City of Eastvale in all the help we received in getting the State of the City event to the forefront of the community. We are excited about this event and all the information it provided to the community. We are proud of partnering with the City and the generous business sponsors that made the event a success.
The Chamber is the voice of businesses in Eastvale and as such we have been printing and distributing the Eastvale Directory as part of a supplement to the Eastvale Community News. We intend to continue this as a semi-annual supplement and will start a trial edition of a new coupon book that will be coming out soon. We hope that this coupon book will encourage you all to try out our local businesses and give them a chance to earn your business before you shop elsewhere. The main source of revenue for the City of Eastvale comes from sales tax and the more you SHOP EASTVALE the more that money stays in Eastvale.
This City is growing with more businesses opening up in our town and they are eager to earn your support. In addition, please make sure to come out and take advantage of the networking and business opportunities at our events.