Diamond Bar – The City of Diamond Bar is hosting an Open House on Wednesday, March 19, to share information about a project that will improve the aesthetic character of Grand Avenue through a variety of streetscape elements concentrated near the intersections of Diamond Bar Boulevard and Longview Drive.
The Open House will be held at Diamond Bar City Hall, Windmill Community Room, 21810 Copley Drive, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Residents and businesses are encouraged to drop by between these hours to weigh in on the various design concepts proposed for beautifying Grand Avenue. Translation services will be available during the open house in Chinese and Korean.
Along with a sneak peek at the proposed conceptual streetscape renderings, attendees will obtain information about project milestones and potential traffic impacts once construction gets underway later this year.
The greater part of the funding for the Grand Avenue Beautification Project comes from a Federal Grant secured by the City under the SAFETEA-LU transportation bill for the restricted purpose of improving public rights of way along Grand Avenue. The intersections of Diamond Bar Boulevard and Longview Drive were selected for beautification because they serve as primary gateways to the City.
Concurrent with this beautification effort, the City is working on developing Citywide Streetscape Design Guidelines aimed at providing a unified, cohesive look through consistent, visually-appealing streetscape and pedestrian features in the public rights of way.
For more information on the project, streetscape guidelines, or the March 19 Open House event, visit http://www.diamondbarca.gov/grand, or call (909) 839-7040.