On Jan. 15, Alice Chen’s 8th Grade Language Arts students participated in a Connected Classroom Conversation with Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee, to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Photo Courtesy: Kelli Gile)
Walnut —Suzanne Middle School students got a special lesson from Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee, on January 15. Teacher Alice Chen’s 8th Grade Language Arts class participated in a live Connected Classrooms Conversation to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., just days before the National holiday held in his honor.
Three classrooms from across the United States participated in the Google Hangout On-Air event. Each educator invited to participate is a member of Google’s “Connected Classrooms”.
“I was invited to join Connected Classrooms last fall when this community first launched. The invitation initially went out to Google Certified Teachers. Then it was opened up to other teachers as the program grew,” Chen explained. She is also a moderator for Connected Classrooms.
“Educators who want to be involved in this kind of project, they don’t specify which one, are welcome to sign up. Then, they’ll match you according to content and age appropriateness,” she explained.
Chen found out about the opportunity the day before the live conversation and was eager for her students to participate.
At 10 a.m., PST, moderator Dawn Engle introduced Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee to the Walnut classroom.
“She is a woman who exemplified the Peace Jam movement. In fact, she’s a Liberian Peace Activist and is responsible for leading a woman’s peace movement that helped put an end to the second Liberian Civil War,” she said.
After each class took turns introducing themselves to the honored guest, who was in New York during the event, Engle started the one-hour conversation by asking the Nobel Peace Prize winner “Why is so it important to honor the life and the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King at this time every year?”
“First, I think he is in a class all by himself,” Gbowee answered. “He really was a trailblazer and it’s important to celebrate him at this time. It’s a reminder that even the most difficult of challenges in the world we can overcome if we focus, if we preserve and if we do it non-violently,” she said.
She described Dr. King as being a change agent for his belief. He was willing to go all out, persevere, be consistent, focused, and not get distracted with the negativity. Dr. King started something at a time in the world when everyone felt it was not possible,” Gbowee said.
“He decided we’re going to do this and break this barrier,” she added.
“When I sit and think of Dr. King and the incredible work that he did, and at the end of the day, when we look back, there are a lot of things that have happened in this world beyond the Civil Rights struggle. We see other situations in the world, and people say, ‘If King could do it, I too can do it’,” she said.
“The most important thing that Dr. King taught us is we are the change that we hope to see. It is in each and every individual,” she added.
Two students from each classroom also asked questions. When it was their turn, Suzanne students, Kaitlin Garrett and Steven Sakamoto, stood next to the projection screen face-to-face with the international legend. 8th Grader, Kaitlin Garrett, asked the first question during the event.
“I really liked what [Gbowee] said about us being the change. And how we can start it and I thought it was really inspiring because it is very true. I think if one person starts it and everybody joins in, it continues on,” Garrett said.
Garrett said she plans to begin finding ways to become a change maker. “This will inspire me to start thinking about changes and how we can help the community,” she said
Gbowee shared several of her own experiences about making a difference through non-violent struggle.
She said she wrote her book, Mighty Be Our Prayers, to share that it doesn’t matter if your life has taken a downturn, you can be an agent of change. “No matter how hard you fall, you are not judged in this life by the magnitude of your fall, it’s your ability to rise up and stand tall,” she said.
She also advised the students to find their own passion and that they could be difference makers too.
“When I was growing up, I never thought about a Nobel Peace Prize. I always thought about how I could make a difference,” she said
“Dr. King said anybody can be great. Those who see problems can be great through service, be great through humility, be great through doing good and not expecting anything in return. That is the kind of greatness Dr. King talked about and that has guided my work,” she explained to the students.
The recorded broadcast will also be shown to Bishop Desmond Tutu, who is on the Peace Jam board. And the kids got to wave hello to him.
Gbowee concluded the conversation by offering a challenge to the students. “Dr. King was a great man in a class all by himself. He stepped out when no one thought it was possible. I think to the young people of the world, if you read the life and legacy of Dr. King, he was one ordinary person who decided to try to do the impossible and leave an extraordinary mark on the world. We all have a light in us. If we ever decide to tap into that light, we too, can make the impossible possible. And leave an extraordinary legacy,” she said.
“You have the light, you have the examples, and you have the platform. Step out and make big changes. I hope someday I will read about one of you from these three classrooms of the great work you have done,” she added.
The Connected Classrooms broadcast can be viewed at https://plus.google.com/events/ckfsc2s5dg1aqvglm1h4ha902uo.